A Key Tool For The Robotic Automation In Manufacturing Industry like the mechanical arm from HEEEXii- Robot Arm!! Read More: MOST COMMON TYPES OF ROBOTIC ARMS, IF YOU WANT TO DEEP INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Serial manipulators are the mostly used type of robotic arms. Parallel In other words each type has its pluses and minuses so allow us to know them a bit more.
Parallel robots are used in the field while Serial manipulators like the robotic manipulator from HEEEXii which are also called robotic arms. They are a series of connected links: arms and wrists. This works serializing links hooking only and exactly at the time one link is moved to prevent a second. That was intended to allow precision movements of the serial manipulators, which are great for some applications performing some task that need high accuracy such as welding or trimming (assembly). One of the main benefits against their counterpart devices, is that serial manipulators are incredibly flexible; they can be directly programmed to perform specific tasks in a very precise way. Compared to parallel manipulators, they are also easier to operate and program. Well just like everything else in this world, they come with their own set of cons along with the definite pros. They can move in a closed loop due to their linear or rotational motion, although it leads them to slow moving speed so if you have 85 boxes of product coming down the line behind it, tough luck. That is to say they have very low weight capacities in comparison to their parallel manipulator counterparts.
But if you need that speed, we're going to have to take a look at some Delta Robots like the industrial robot arm from HEEEXii (more formally known as Parallel manipulators). Are multiple arms based, designers put together en masse to move the tool faster and smarter. Parallel manipulators have long been built as a concept for speed and efficiency (Figure 2), such that they can be easily implemented when deployed in a practical application like packaging or assembly. Quick reply is the benefits of parallel manipulators. Motion is done at a cheaper and faster rate than the serial manipulator as all arms actuate simultaneously, making it ideal for high-speed applications. Additionally, they deliver better accuracy, and this is needed for operations with miniature parts or tasks that need a micro machine. Addressing the drawbacks, however in the case of parallel manipulators is not an easy task as that for serial-manipulators. They definitely are not the most maneuverable, and seem to be unable to move around much at all. They also have a lack of direct control on them and require highly sophisticated manpower to handle them.
Comparison is therefore needed to know what type of robotic arm like the parallel manipulator from HEEEXii. We want according to the application you have and their individual pros and cons. Flexibility: Serials have the upper hand over parallel manipulators. For that reason, they can be programmed very precisely for a variety of tasks. On the other hand, parallel manipulators have a finite workspace and are used to perform specific tasks. Parallel manipulators are speedier in movement Due to their ability to move quickly and respond rapidly they are used more often in high speed applications. Serial manipulators kill as well, generally at lower speeds due to their sequential nature. Compared to this, parallel manipulators excel in terms of their stability. It increases the stability and can bear a heavier load, which provides fantastic support for heavy loading. The wider serial manipulators are less stable, and will not be able to handle heavier products as well. Last but not least, the accuracy (in both parallel manipulators and serial manipulators), using specific methods. Serial manipulators are more precise and used for precision location in assembly tasks, whereas parallel manipulators can also provide high-precision but typically at higher speeds of pick-and-place.
The products of the company widely used industries such computers, home appliances optoelectronics cosmetic packaging cars and their parts metal processing equipment, precision equipment industry, PET preform industry, consumer electronics, mobile communication industry, medical supply Serial manipulator and parallel manipulator packaging industry.
Heeexii Robot is characterized by the desire excellence and perseverance innovation, rising attitude of excellence that surpasses oneself; professionalism thanks to focus and because of professionalism. Heeexii Robot will always adhere the principle of superior quality control as well continuous {{keyword}, ensuring the stability reliable users, and contributing to China's innovative manufacturing.
We carry full servo range of 3 and 5 top entry robots axes 3 and 5, sprue pickers, and 6-axis Fanuc. Our team can create entire automation unit includes customized Serial manipulator and parallel manipulator equipment, as well the end of arm-tooling.
Guangdong Heeexii Robot Technology Co. Ltd. was established in 2019 and a top-notch company that concentrates on R and D and manufacturing as well as sales Serial manipulator and parallel manipulator robots. The company a staff of employees more than 10 years' experience in industry.
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